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YOUR support has made it possible for the International Women’s Convocation to bring women together to connect, plan, and inspire to take action – at international convocations (2009 and 2012) and gatherings in the Philippines (2012) and Bolivia (2015). We are nearly 75% of the way to meeting an $8,000 challenge from the UU Funding Program – to bring young adult women to the Third International Convocation, February 16-19, 2017, Asilomar, CA, USA.

All donations will benefit the Margot Adler Scholarship Fund for the Third International Convocation.The fund honors the memory of Margot Adler, priestess, on-air NPR journalist, activist, author, and a member of the Unitarian Church of All Souls, NYC. Margot was an enthusiastic supporter of our organization from its inception.

We are only $2,400 from our $8,000 challenge, making it possible for young adult women to participate, create new connections, build resources, and become the agents of positive change in their communities and the world!

Make a donation now – every dollar counts double!

THANK YOU for your continuing support and donations! The International Women’s Convocation works through concerted action and in partnerships with Unitarian*Universalists and progressive women of faith around the world to achieve tangible advances in the lives of women. For more information or questions, please email us, visit our website, or find us on Facebook.

IWC is a dba of International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women, a nonprofit organized under IRS Section 501c(3). Your donation is deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Copyright © 2016 International Women’s Convocation, All rights reserved.