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Our group is for all women, but especially those living within the Pacific Central region corresponding to the Pacific Central District of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are an independent organization not affiliated with UUA PCD.

Our Vision

Women & Religion nurtures and empowers women to share wisdom and responsibility for our lives, our denomination and our world.  As we hear and appreciate each others’ truths, we grow in love and laughter, spirituality and joy.  We remember our foremothers and tell our stories.  We are dedicated to the liberation of all persons from attitudes of domination and subordination.  We will be visible. We will be heard.  We will make a difference.

Cover Photo from Our Stories, 1998, ed. Liz Fisher.

An Introduction by Meg Bowman

After the UU General Assembly unanimously (a Miracle!) passed the W&R Resolution in 1977, the denomination was never the same. We were never the same!

The W&R Resolution was to eliminate ALL sexism from the denomination AND reveal the religious roots of patriarchy.

Using shared leadership and consensus, women all over the Continent started having meetings, and weekend Retreats to network, exchange books, participate in workshops, yoga, dance, drumming, Readers’ Theatre, etc. and to form life-long friendships.

We supported curricula, such as Rev. Shirley Ranck’s Cakes For The Queen of Heaven, Liz Fisher’s Rise Up and Call Her Name, plus Unraveling the Gender Knot and numerous other publications. We presented programs to many UU churches and fellowships, NOW, OWL and Humanist groups. We organized District and Continental gatherings, eliminated sexist language in the hymnal, wrote letters to ministers who continued to use gender exclusive language, and we learned about ancient cultures and their many Goddesses.

— Meg Bowman

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