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Inspired by the UUA WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION OF 1977 and Related Resolutions

Important Dates

1977 Unanimous passage of Women & Religion Resolution by UUA GA, Ithaca, NY
1979 First annual meeting of W&R conveners and friends, Grailville, OH, where workshop “Do the UU Principles Affirm Women as They Do Men?” initiates revision of Principles
1980 Convocation on Feminist Theology
1984-5 Passage of revised Principles by UUA GA, Columbus, OH; Atlanta, GA
1986 Shirley Ranck’s course Cakes for the Queen of Heaven published by UUA
1990 WomanQuest: continental gathering of UU women envisioning inclusion
1993 Publication of UU hymnal Singing the Living Tradition, with inclusive language, ideas
1993 WomanSpace: continental gathering of UU women sponsored by UUWF, Pacific SW District
1994 Elizabeth Fisher’s course Rise Up and Call Her Name published by UU Women’s Federation
1996 Passage of sixth source of UU tradition by UUA GA, Indianapolis, IN: “Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature”
1997 Resolution initiator Lucile Schuck Longview, activist Rosemary Matson honored by UUA General Assembly, Phoenix, AZ
1998 Tom Owen-Towle and January Riddle’s course The Bridge Called Respect: Women and Men Joining as Allies published by UUA’s Skinner House
UUWF Ministry to Women Award to Longview and Matson at GA, Rochester, NY Both women commemorated at National Women’s Hall of Fame, Seneca Falls, NY
2004 Barbara Schonborn, Alison Campbell, and Rosemary Matson’s course for UU Adults and Youths Unraveling the Gender Knot published by UU Women & Religion
W&R Yahoo group created
2010-11 W&R PCD online presence extended with FaceBook page (2010) and retreat website, online registration, forum, and YouTube channel (2011)
2012- Activity continues in UU districts, including church services, workshops, retreats, conferences, course development, concerts, song writing, and advocacy. Conveners and friends of UU district Women and Religion committees continue meeting annually to plan and support examination of religious roots of sexism and to promote non-oppressive assumptions, language, and behaviors.

Seeds of Feminist Thinking and Action

  • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) formed
  • UUs Acting to Stop Violence Against Women formed
  • Support of women theo/thealogy students in Transylvania
  • Safe Congregations educational program and resolution
  • Welcoming Congregation program for education and advocacy
  • Scholarships for impoverished bright students in Western Kenya
  • UU Women’s Heritage Society formed; biographies researched and published
  • More and more women in seminaries and on faculties of UU seminaries
  • Shared ministry among professionals and laypersons
  • Rituals introduced: water ritual, sharing joys and sorrows, altars, goddesses
  • Rich selection of feminist theo/thealogy books published by Beacon Press
  • Retreats, workshops, groups, conferences—healing, support, and social justice
  • Retelling of biblical narratives from feminist perspective
  • Awareness of relationship with the environment and ecological feminism
  • Non-hierarchical shared leadership
  • Women and men meeting worldwide, working for liberation and celebrating together
  • Journey Toward Wholeness: Path to Anti-Racism
  • Our Whole Lives, program of sexuality education for all ages

Vision for the Future:

We work together to end patriarchal systems, which undermine achievement of a world of peace and justice with respect for every person and for the interdependent web of all life.

Email list

If you'd like to be added to our email list, please send a message to info [at] womenandreligionpcd.org. Thanks!