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Continental UU Women and Religion continues to provide resources for congregational and regional UU women's groups. Formed as a UUA Task Force after the passage of the Women and Religion resolution, the national/continental group once had UUA staff support and kept 19 District W&R groups connected until the UUA support was sunsetted in 1992. Now an informal network of UU women's groups, the Continental UUW&R maintains an online Store of curricula, books, music and other creative arts by and for UU women.

Contact co-convener Gretchen Ohmann at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: https://www.uuwr.org/

Email list

If you'd like to be added to our email list, please send a message to info [at] womenandreligionpcd.org. Thanks!