The classic women's circle study course!
by Rev. Shirley Ann Ranck, PhD
September 2019 - We have had many requests for downloadable files, since folks are using more tablets and laptops without a way to play files from a CD. The resources from both volumes are now available on the UUWR website! You will need to log in - that information is included in the package when you buy the curriculum. If you have already purchased the set and would like access to the files, please email
IN ANCIENT TIMES: This five-session Volume I of the popular adult religious education curriculum includes an introductory section featuring author Shirley's Ranck's "Statement of Feminist Thealogy," Elinor Artman's "Brief Herstory of Cakes," and Nancy Vedder-Shults, "Baking Cakes for the Queen of Heaven."
The themes of the Session Plans are: The Sacred Female, In the Name of the Mother and the Daughter, Womanpower, The First Turning-From Goddess to God, and Reclaiming Women's Heritage of Peace." The resource section includes supplementary essays by a number of important authors, a listing of highly recommended materials, and the sheet music of songs by Carole Eagleheart and Ann Forfreedom for use with the curriculum. The curriculum also includes a CD-ROM with five Visual Programs to accompany the sessions, plus resource material for easy distribution to participants.
ON THE THRESHOLD: In the six-session continuation of the course, Volume II, we will continue our journey into the past to reclaim the stories of powerful women to be found in ancient Judaism and in early Christianity. We will also look at the global silencing and brutalization of women that accompanied the rise of patriarchal religion and society. Finally we will celebrate the exciting new world-view and thealogy that has emerged in our time, and explore the personal and social changes that may be suggested by that new world-view and thealogy. We will continue the complex process of telling a new story.
In addition, you may order Carole Etzler Eagleheart's CD "She Calls to Us," which contains many of the songs in the curriculum. Sound samples are available on her MUSIC page.
To read more about Cakes, exchange comments with other facilitators, and find resources for Facilitator Training, go to www.cakesforthequeenofheaven.org.
UU Women & Religion, Publisher
Cakes Part I Funded in part by the Fund for Unitarian Universalism and the UU Women's Federation
For individual study, you might enjoy the BOOK.
$75.00 | Quantity Discount: 4 or more sets at $65/set | 6 or more sets at $60/set